

Looking to get started on a project or maybe have a question for me? I'm all ears.

Yeah, it's a weird name


Having a hard time pronouncing it? Trust me, you're not the first.

"Dayna Keela" - Announcer at the Chicago Marathon finish line

"Diana Kye-luh" -  My high school choir director on the first day of rehearsal

"Daniella Krula" - Line-up for the Chicago Portfolio School comedy show

"Daenarys Khaleesi" - My fellow safari guides at Walt Disney World

"Dinosaur Kelly"  - Barista at Starbucks, handing me an iced green tea latte with skim milk and vanilla syrup (If you haven't had it yet, seriously go get one. It's the bomb-dot-com!)

But how is it really pronounced? Well, you'll just have to ask me yourself.